Transactional Competence™

Transactional Competence™ offers a knowledge and behavior framework designed to guide individuals, teams, and enterprises toward prosperous transactions that can scale.

Implementing Transactional Competence means training and developing ourselves, teams, and companies to be fitter and fitter to engage in successful and efficient exchanges. This framework easily reframes our interpersonal, social, and economic pursuits toward productive cooperation.

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MBA 3.0 is an Influential U Business Licensee.

A Philosophy for Business:
You Are Always Transacting

Transactional Competence was developed by and for practitioners and is grounded in the philosophy of Transactionalism. In this philosophy, human interactions are best understood as a set of simple to complex transactions.

A transaction is a reciprocal and co-constitutive cycle of eight primary exchanges aimed at satisfying (or at learning to become fit to satisfy) the multiple and interlocking Conditions of Life™, including health, activity, money, knowledge, education, relationship, career, ethics, and more.

Whether you know it or not, you are always transacting. Practitioners of Transactional Competence learn to leverage differences, optimize performance, and accelerate results using a personality-attentive, transactional framework. When you do it well — you, your team, and your initiative — all thrive.

The courses below are the roadmap to become such a practitioner and implement Transactional Competence.

Single Session Courses

Instructor-Led, 12-Hours Each

Individuals can start learning and practicing Transactional Competence with the six single-topic courses in the Courses Roadmap below. These can be delivered in person or online.

15 Unavoidable
Conditions of Life
Think accurately about the Conditions of Life: unavoidable situations and conditions all human beings address (or suffer). This is fundamental to making powerful offers.
The 13 Steps to
Bulletproof Offers
Think accurately about the construction of business offers as related to products, services, projects, initiatives, and markets.
Personality, Diversity,
and Teams
Focus on the exponential power of diversity.
Planning, Strategy,
and Tactics
Focus on situational leadership, where the characteristics of the situation or transaction determine leadership.
The Five Stages
of Influence
Move through the stages of professional influence - the successful buy-in of value propositions for people, products, services, and companies.

Multi-Session Programs

Instructor-Led, Multi-Week

These programs run as weekly or every-other-week training sessions in principles, practices, and direct application. The routine of practices supports the development of solid habits and maintains consistent cultures. These can be delivered in person or online.

Transactional Competence Across Teams (TCX)
Leaders work on moving powerfully together as a team, and engage others with more transactional competence
Use the power of a peer-group setting to amplify the learning and practice required to launch successful products, services, projects, initiatives, and markets.
Priority in Practice
This get-it-done program is an advanced capacity development program where you will join a select group of accomplished learners and work directly with senior consultants to transform your good intentions into actual accomplishments.
This executive coaching program is tailored training to provide unique solutions that address real-time career challenges to break through barriers blocking achievement and whole-life satisfaction.

Private Transactional Competence™ Classes