Test Driven Agility

Test Driven Agility is a three-part process that helps teams meet business objectives through continuous improvement.

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Wish you could hire a dream team to solve problems, create value and exceed your most ambitious goals?

Unfortunately it doesn't usually work that way – when people are available, the budget is not.

The pragmatic approach to circumvent such business constraint is to
focus on building the skills of your existing teams.
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Is Test Driven Agility right for me?

If leveling up existing teams was easy, it would already be done. Many leaders have found success in pivoting from managing teams, to coaching them. This can be a challenge – It requires that leaders embrace new behaviors and practice to hone new skills.
Test Driven Agility presents a new way of working and way to ask questions and then take action. The techniques are easy to understand but require practice to perfect. Success comes from curiosity and a desire to improve as well as an appropriate amount of repetition to build new habits.
The process draws on Deming's PDCA Cycle, Colonel Boyd's OODA Loop, Comparative Agility's myriad Assessment Capabilities, John Doerr's Objectives & Key Results, Toyota's Coaching & Improvement Kata and several other lean and agile mental models. 
These ways of thinking and working are blended and practiced in a way that they support and build on each other. It all wraps up neatly as a scalable and repeatable process designed to make sense of complex and even chaotic environments. 

Test Driven Agility in a Nutshell

Test Driven Agility combines assessment data with Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) and an iterative approach to hypotheses and experiments. While these techniques are commonly practiced separately, they become much more powerful when they are used together. 


The first call you will make is to decide which type of risks need to be addressed most urgently. Based on your business needs, you will select an assessment framework that makes sense to you and is well-suited to your team’s situation. 

Assessment will document which behaviors are present – and which are not present – on your various teams. The mere fact that a certain behavior is missing does not mean that you have run out and start building it. You will make educated guesses at which behaviors will move the needle and you will get the team to help decide what to try next. Many assessments focus on compliance to a process. While this can be important – even vital in regulated industries – it is not always the most effective way to align an organization on business goals and objectives.  

Objectives & Key Results

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs ) are a goal-setting framework designed to improve business outcomes by aligning individual and team goals with the overall strategic objectives of the organization.

OKRs are popular because they provide clarity and transparency about goals and progress towards achieving them. They are simple to understand, even if they take work to master. They encourage collaboration and alignment across teams and departments, as everyone is aware of how the work of others is tracking to company goals. Additionally, they allow individuals and organizations to monitor progress and make data-driven decisions about how to adjust their course to improve performance.

Leader Standard Work

Leader standard work encourages leaders to establish a repeatable routine that focuses on objectives and key results to support the organization's goals – especially the identification and resolution of problems. A key tenant of the process is that leaders can not – and should not – try to solve all of the problems by themselves. In the knowledge work sector, Leader Standard work involves a review of key metrics and coaching direct reports on problem solving to build the muscles of continuous improvement. 

Leader Standard Work is like a fractal – it looks the same no matter how much you zoom in. The CEO models desired behavior by practicing Leader Standard work in the C-Suite. Her Chiefs model and practice with VPs, who model and practice with Directors and so on.