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Test Driven Agility Leadership Program

Test Driven Agility is a process that helps teams meet business objectives through continuous improvement.

In this leadership program, participants gain practice setting behavioral goals, iterating to achieve them and refining their approach using data and the scientific method. 

Do these problems sound familiar?

"We can't hire our way out of our problems, I've got to build the team I have"

"I have just inherited a bunch of new teams that came to us in an acquisition"

"The old idea of reporting to someone in a hierarchical relationship is not working"

"Promotion - yay! Now I'm leading teams that I don't know (and they don't know me)"

Program Benefits

Sustained team performance

In order to sustain team performance, it is better to level up leaders with a coaching capability than to bring in coaches (internal or external). When coaching is temporary, so is the performance boost. One company documented a 20% productivity boost and a far happier team with coaches in place of more traditional managers. Fortune, June 5, 2023

Activate a culture of continuous improvement

In order to make continuous improvement an effortless part of the organization's day-to-day activities, leaders at all levels will benefit from the Improvement Kata. To become proficient, participants use Coaching Kata that supports their team’s continuous improvement process. Participants will experience it and practice it safely with their teams.

Propagate successful improvements

In order to help each team’s improvements propagate through the organization, it is good to have a consistent process and underlying mental model. When leaders can recognize and have faith in the approach that another group used to validate and deploy a change, they will find it easier to repeat the process in the context of their own teams.

Learning Objectives

As a result this program, participants will;

  • Clearly articulate how their team’s work ladders up to the Company Vision
  • Understand and leverage various assessment frameworks to identify appropriate key results
  • Use metrics to determine which key results work well as leading indicators for their objectives
  • Become proficient in A3 problem solving and management techniques in their domain
  • Practice scalable, repeatable coaching and improvement kata to build improvement capacity

Structure & Time Commitment

  • The Test Driven Agility Leadership Program extends about three months from start to finish.
  • We start with some prep work, meeting your coach, covering logistics and discussing both the challenges your teams face and the objectives they are pursuing,
  • Cohort inception is an onsite, in-person meeting consisting of two half days of group sessions and additional one-on-one time, over three days.
  • The total time commitment for each participant is 57 hours, with about four hours per week during the twelve-week body of the program.

Key Topics

Vision Alignment

How do leaders understand and execute on their goals and objectives that ladder up to the vision for the whole company?


How do leaders go about understanding the current state of desired behaviors so that they can verify whether or not changes are occurring?

Objectives & Key Results

How is the vision being executed through the organization and are metrics in place that serve as leading indicators of success?.

Leader Standard Work

How are leaders empowering their teams to use a data-driven, scientific approach to continuous improvement?

Is Test Driven Agility right for me?

If leveling up existing teams was easy, it would already be done. Many leaders have found success in pivoting from managing teams, to coaching them. This can be a challenge – It requires that leaders embrace new behaviors and practice to hone new skills.
Test Driven Agility presents a new way of working and way to ask questions and then take action. The techniques are easy to understand but require practice to perfect. Success comes from curiosity and a desire to improve as well as an appropriate amount of repetition to build new habits.
The process draws on Deming's PDCA Cycle, Colonel Boyd's OODA Loop, Comparative Agility's myriad Assessment Capabilities, John Doerr's Objectives & Key Results, Toyota's Coaching & Improvement Kata and several other lean and agile mental models. 
These ways of thinking and working are blended and practiced in a way that they support and build on each other. It all wraps up neatly as a scalable and repeatable process designed to help manage complex and even chaotic environments. 

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