Kanban System Design (KSD)

Experience flow, study The Kanban Method, understand your system, and design an appropriate Kanban system to improve visibility, communication, and collaboration to meet your team's needs.
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Experience Kanban

The simulation is a core element of this course so we built our own implementation! This creates a tailored Kanban experience, just for you:

MBA 3.0

License-free access   
No code, scripts, or installs   
Automated Key Metrics charts   
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Custom-built simulation
Why just learn Kanban, when you can experience it firsthand?

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basics, motivation, and benefits of The Kanban Method.
  • Experience flow in a custom-built simulation of a Kanban system.
  • Learn how to run the Kanban meetings to focus on the work and allow the team to organize around it.
  • Build and design a Kanban system using the STATIK approach.
  • Become faster and more responsive, with better risk management and governance.
  • Understand “Pull” systems and how they help reduce overburdening.
  • Learn how to utilize key metrics such as Lead Time, Run Charts, and Cumulative Flow Diagrams to make continuous improvements.

From the Kanban Guide

STATIK stands for Systems Thinking Approach To Introducing Kanban. In this course we drill down into the six key activities using a reference case study:


Identify sources of dissatisfaction

What are the people involved in service delivery dissatisfied with? What are customers dissatisfied with? All these sources of dissatisfaction provide motivation for change which is key for a successful Kanban initiative.


What do customers request, through which channels? What are types of work and patterns in demand? This information is key to develop the full picture of the work that arrives at the system. Remember, manage the work not workers!

system capabilities

What are the capabilities of the system with regard to how much of the customer demand is being delivered, of what type, and how fast and predictable? This step typically requires historical data.

the workflow

Which are the activities that each of the identified work item types go through? They might be sequential, parallel, or in no particular order. Later, these will be the basis for defining the columns on the Kanban board.

classes of service

How do items enter and get treated in the system? See the Classes of Services definition.

Design the
Kanban system

Based on all the insights gained in the prior steps, the Kanban system is then designed. A Kanban system naturally consists of a board and tickets, plus other important elements such as metrics, cadences, and policies.

Is Kanban System Design the Right Course For Me?

If you will be directly involved in designing and managing a Kanban system, then you will certainly want to take the Kanban System Design course. You may still want to take the Team Kanban Practitioner course first if you feel that you are very new to Kanban and to Kanban concepts.

If you currently work with teams that have “plateaued” and aren’t improving, this course will help you to design visualizations that show where improvement opportunities exist.

Kanban System Design (KSD) is part 1 of a 2-part credential certificate program. The Kanban Managment Professional (KMP) Credential also requires completion of the Kanban Systems Improvement (KSI) course.

Basic Learning Paths


"Practitioner Level"
Get the team started with,
and effective within,
a Kanban system.

Team Kanban Practitioner

One day of training


"Alternative Path"
Improve service delivery in systems with Kanban maturity levels 2 and 3.

Kanban System Design

Kanban Systems Improvement

Two days training each


"Improving Maturity"
Drive improvement initiatives using the Kanban Maturity Model as a playbook.

Kanban Maturity Model

Kanban Coaching Practices

Two days training each

Kanban University Certified Training

  • KSD Certificate

    All participants will receive a certificate of completion for the Kanban System Design course.

    Students completing both this course and the Kanban Systems Improvement course receive the
    Kanban Management Professional (KMP) credential.

Kanban System Design

Kanban Systems Improvement

  • Enroll in both and Earn your full KMP

    Earn the KMP credential AND save 20% when you purchase the two-course bundle!
  • Pre-Requisites

    While there are no pre-requisites, attendees will benefit from reading either:
    • “Kanban” by David J Anderson, or
    • “Kanban from the Inside” by Mike Burrows.

    If you took Team Kanban Practitioner, you got David's book included in your Kanban+ trial, and a discount for Mike's book - if not... get your copy here!

Upcoming Public KSD Classes

Looking for a private class for your group? Reserve your date here.