Certified Scrum Developer® (CSD)

Experience a hands-on Scrum simulation for Developers while learning and applying technical practices!
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Learning Objectives

Lean, Agile & Scrum

  1. Utilizing a sprint backlog.
  2. Turning the sprint backlog into increments of value.
  3. Effective daily Scrum.
  4.  Attributes of Product Backlog Items (PBIs.)
  5. Inspecting and adapting PBIs during product backlog refinement.
  6. Definition of done to enhance transparency and measure progress.

Collaboration & Team Dynamics

  1. Teams vs Working groups.
  2. Effective teams.
  3. How developers can interact directly with customers and users.
  4. Collaborating with stakeholders, customers, and/or users during the sprint.

Architecture & Design

  1. Benefits of technical excellence.
  2. Design practices.
  3. Principles of architecture in an agile environment.


  1. Understanding refactoring.
  2. Benefits of refactoring for an agile software development effort.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

  1. Benefits of test-first design and development approach.
  2. “Traditional” vs “agile” testing.
  3. Refactoring in the TDD cycle.
  4. Qualities of a good agile testing approach.

 Continuous Integration

  1. Benefits of continuous integration (CI.)
  2. Scrum and CI.
  3. Advantages of an automated build, test, measure pipeline.

Key Concept

Using Scrum for software development requires software engineering skills and practices that support rapid, safe, high-quality, iterative, and incremental development. The “Core Four” are:
  1. a test-first approach (Test-Driven Development or Behavior Driven Development,)
  2. continuous collaboration (pair programming or ensemble programming,)
  3. continuous integration (e.g., trunk-based development,) and most critically
  4. the ability to refactor diligently
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Is Certified Scrum Developer® the Right Course For Me?

Experience a hands-on Scrum simulation for Developers while learning and applying technical practices!
This 2 day (14 hour) course introduces you to what it's like to work as a developer on a Scrum team. Learn about the powerful and popular Scrum Developer Practices, and the synergy gained by combining them.

Technical practices include Test Driven Development, Refactoring, Continuous Integration, Collective Code Stewardship, Pair Programming, Incremental Design, and others (depending on time and participant interest.)
This course contains guided labs based on many years of actual Agile production software development.

Scrum Developer® Learning Path

This course:

Certified Scrum Developer®

No Pre-Requisites, best suited for product developers in a Scrum environment.

Advanced Certified Scrum Developer®

Requires CSD and at least 12 months of Scrum Developer or Team Member experience

Certified Scrum Professional - Developer®

Requires A-CSD and at least 24 months of work experience specific to the role of Scrum Developer

Scrum Alliance Certified Training

  • CSD Credential

    Upon course completion you gain a two-year Scrum Alliance Membership and become eligible for the Certified Scrum Developer® exam, required to complete the Scrum Alliance certification process.

    Activate your Scrum Alliance® certification account and pass your CSD test.
  • Pre-Requisites

    All experience levels are welcome! No previous Scrum training or experience is required. This course is designed for product developers who are working in a Scrum environment.

Upcoming Public CSD Classes

Looking for a private class for your group? Reserve your date here.

Multi-Class Bundles and Discounts