Advanced Certified Scrum Developer® (A-CSD)

Experience all aspects of Scrum team software development using the Scrum Developer Practices.
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Learning Objectives

Lean, Agile & Scrum

  1. Retrospectives, modeling, & visualization to continuously improve your team's process.
  2. A minimal & changeable "Definition of Done" to clearly delineate when work is ready to move downstream.
  3. Managing multi-team dependencies.
  4. Transparently communicate technical challenges in terms of business impact.

Collaboration & Team Dynamics

  1. Effective Pair Programming & Ensemble (aka "Mob") Programming.
  2. Experience how cross-functional collaboration reduces hand-offs and improves cycle-time.
  3. Effective time-management to reduce stress as well as unpleasant surprises.

Architecture & Design

  1. Compare up-front and emergent architecture.
  2. Modern software design principles & heuristics.
  3. Applying those principles through practices.
  4. Measure software qualities and respond to the results. 


  1. The business value of refactoring.
  2. The causes and cures for technical debt.
  3. Use "Code Smells" to communicate and manage code design challenges.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

  1. Use TDD effectively to build software.
  2. The attributes of a good unit test (aka microtest).
  3. When and how to refactor tests.
  4. Other forms of Agile testing and how they fit together.
  5. Compare TDD to Behavior Driven Development (BDD).
  6. Use test-doubles to manage external dependencies.

 Continuous Integration/Delivery

  1. Overcome CI/DevOps challenges.
  2. Create a simple & effective build pipeline.
  3. Definition and benefits of Continuous Delivery (CD).
  4. Practices supporting CD.
  5. Describe a CD pipeline.

Key Concept

Using Scrum for software development requires software engineering skills and practices that support iterative and incremental development over the long term.

The “Core Four” are:
  1. A test-first approach (Test-Driven Development or Behavior Driven Development),
  2. Continuous Collaboration (pair programming or ensemble programming),
  3. continuous integration (specifically "trunk-based development"), and...
  4. most critically, the ability to refactor diligently.
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Is Advanced Certified Scrum Developer® the Right Course For Me?

Experience all aspects of Scrum team software development using the Scrum Developer Practices.
This 2 day (14 hour) course immerses you into a small Scrum team crafting actual software using various Scrum Developer Practices.

Practices include pair-programming, Test-Driven Development, r
efactoring, trunk-based development, Collective Code Stewardship, Emergent Design, and others (depending on time and participant interest).

Your instructor was an Agile developer-coach for many years, and used these very practices full-time on various products. From that experience he has designed exercises that are educational, relevant, and fun.

Please note that CSD is a prerequisite for this advanced course. Fortunately, CSD and A-CSD can be scheduled together and purchased together. Also, some experience with a modern programming language is required. 

Scrum Developer® Learning Path

Certified Scrum Developer®

No Pre-Requisites, best suited for product developers in a Scrum environment.

This course:

Advanced Certified Scrum Developer®

Requires CSD and at least 12 months of Scrum Developer or Team Member experience

Certified Scrum Professional - Developer®

Requires A-CSD and at least 24 months of work experience specific to the role of Scrum Developer

Scrum Alliance Certified Training

  • A-CSD Credential

    Upon course completion you gain a two-year Scrum Alliance Membership and become eligible for the Advanced Certified Scrum Developer® (A-CSD) designation.
  • Pre-Requisites

    To earn an A-CSD, the Scrum Alliance requires that you:

    • Hold a Certified Scrum Developer (CSD®) certification with the Scrum Alliance.
    • Participate fully in the A-CSD course.
    • Pass the quiz at the end of the course.
    • Validate at least 12 months of work experience specific to the role of Scrum developer/team member (within the past five years).

Upcoming Public A-CSD Classes

Looking for a private class for your group? Reserve your date here.

Multi-Class Bundles and Discounts